Bunclody Walking Trail

Distance: 5.4km (3.4 miles)
Ascent: 140m
Walking time: 1hr 30min
Waymarking: Blue
Grade Easy

Distance : 10km (6.25 miles)
Ascent : 210m
Walking time: 2hr
Waymarking: Orange
Grade: Moderate

Distance: 13.3km (8.3 miles)
Ascent: 280m
Walking time: 3hr 30min
Waymarking: Red
Grade: Moderate

Three looped walks climb to Gibbet Hill. Gibbet is an old English name for Hanging Hill. This hints to a place of execution where beautiful views meant that, no matter what your crime, your last sight on earth was heavenly. These loops on forest roads all rise with a steady climb close to the top of Gibbet Hill with breathtaking views on offer.